Monday, December 9, 2013

Why do residents want or need faster internet?

There are many reasons today and many more reasons in the near future why residents require faster internet speeds. Below is a list we have put together based upon conversations with residents and research done over the past two years. Please reply to this post if you can think of other reasons you need faster internet.

*So my kids can do their homework.
Every public and private high school in the area has either migrated to 1 to 1 computing or has plans to fully implement in the next two years. This means every high school student carries a laptop or tablet instead of books. All student assignments and research materials are located on the internet. Without reliable internet service or enough internet speed, students will struggle to complete assignments with the efficiency and thoroughness required.

*My job requires me to work from home.
Due to advancements in technology, the percentage of people working from home has surged. From the 1999 to 2010 there has been a 41% increase in the number of people working from home. This means people are required to be on the internet for email, research, video conferencing, presentations, support, etc. to get their jobs done. Someone working from home would not be able to live in the neighborhood.

*I want to watch Netflix.
Netflix requires 3.0 megabits per second for DVD quality video transmission. Based upon current speed tests Frontier and TDS are averaging just below 3.0 megabits per second for download speeds. We are aware of some pockets in the neighborhood who have been able to get speeds of up to 15 megabits per second with TDS by paying a premium of approximately $30 more each month.

*When the entire family is on the internet in our household, no one can do anything.
Internet speed can be related to a highway. When there is no one on the road it is pretty easy to drive from point A to point B. As more people entire the highway, it leads to congestion. Unfortunately, with the current infrastructure installed and supported by Frontier and TDS in Raineybrook, the highway was never designed to go very fast and becomes easily congested.

*The program crashes or it takes forever to upload pictures for my family or a file for school.
The average upload speed in Raineybrook is less than 1 megabit per second. Most file sharing applications require a minimum of 3 megabits per second to upload small/medium size files.

1 comment:

  1. Not all HOA members need or want faster internet. There are many who get by just fine with existing services or with no interenet service at all. The over generalization that we all need or want faster internet (especially to the unfair benefit of the owners of lots who won't participate in funding the project) shows the bias that our HOA leadership has taken upon themselves.
