Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Package Comparison

Click the link below to see a rate comparison of three double play and three triple play options with Metronet and comparable services currently provided in the neighborhood. We understand there are many options to receive services in your home and have used two of the most popular packages for a representation. Please note, this does not include any introductory offers you may have with one of your providers.

Based upon the comparison, we expect homeowners to either break even with better service or save money with better service over the 5-year Special Assessment.

1 comment:

  1. The lowest cost package is $66/month for IPTV & Internet. The channels included are bare minimum. The internet speed is no faster than the 4G LTE available now from Sprint/Verizon/ATT at no additional cost through your existing cell phone service. Future advances in wireless technology will increase the speeds available via wireless service.
