Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Metronet Sign-up

The Metronet project is near completion and they are going to start signing-up customers this weekend. Please see the information below from Tiffany Nunnally, Marketing Coordinator.


We’re happy to welcome Raineybrook to the Metronet family!

As a Metronet customer, you’re going to enjoy your services over the only 100% fiber optic network in Lafayette. This means you can enjoy blazing-fast internet speeds that are consistently fast because you’re not sharing your connection with neighbors, a television picture with stunning quality whether you’re watching in HD or standard definition, and clear, reliable phone with all the features you want.

Our commitment doesn’t stop at providing cutting-edge services and technology. We are committed to providing you the best customer service with friendly associates and knowledgeable technicians who actually live right here in the communities we serve.

For your convenience, Metronet will be setting up on Admiral’s Point Drive & W 500 S to answer questions and to sign residents up for service. The schedule will be as follows:

May 10th – 9:00 am-11:00 am
May 17th – 9:00 am-11:00 am
May 31st – 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

If you can’t make it during these scheduled times to sign up for service, please feel free to call our local retail store at (765)-250-8201 or stop by 414 N Earl Avenue.

We appreciate all of your patience and kindness, and look forward to working with Raineybrook.

Metronet Team

Monday, April 28, 2014

Metronet Update

The trenching crews for Metronet are less than 2 weeks away from completion. Following them will be crews installing fiber and equipment. Metronet customer service reps will be in the area soon to demonstrate their services and start pre-sign-ups in the coming weeks. The first homes should start being connected the first of June. 

If your yard has been effected by the recent underground work, Metronet has informed us they have hired Custom Cuts to start fixing these areas. Thank you for your patience and understanding. If you are not satisfied or concerned with your yard, please reply. The management team at Metronet has been very responsive and will address.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Fiber Build Starting - What should you expect?

Tim Balensiefer and Matt Buche met with the Outside Plant Manager for Metronet this morning. Please expect to start seeing construction activity to bury the fiber throughout the neighborhood as soon as next week. The contractors burying the fiber will be in the neighborhood with trucks, trailers, spools of wire and drilling equipment. Most of the work will be taking place on the utility easements located either behind or next to your residence. The contractors will be digging holes in the ground and driving drilling equipment in the grass areas of these easements. Metronet has assured they will repair all areas damaged during the build. The contractors may stage a large spool of wire in an area near your home. Staging of wire will be temporary and required for the crews to efficiently complete their work. The entire build is expected to go through June and Metronet will begin connecting customers no later than July 1st. We will be posting more information in the next few weeks on when and who to contact to start signing up for service.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Tim or Matt via email. Both are working closely with Metronet and their contractors to make the build go smooth.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Metronet Build Update

Based upon an email from the General Manager, Metronet is currently scheduled to start the fiber build this May and begin signing up customers as early as June of this year. 

Monday, December 30, 2013

Neighborhood Survey

In the next couple of weeks, staff from Metronet will be in the neighborhood doing a survey for the FTTH project. We do not have a precise timeline for the project, but will keep you posted as we get information.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Raineybrook HOA Meeting Place and Time

Stidham United Methodist Church
5300 S. 175 - Lafayette, IN 47909
Thursday, December 19, 2013 at 6:30PM

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Package Comparison

Click the link below to see a rate comparison of three double play and three triple play options with Metronet and comparable services currently provided in the neighborhood. We understand there are many options to receive services in your home and have used two of the most popular packages for a representation. Please note, this does not include any introductory offers you may have with one of your providers.

Based upon the comparison, we expect homeowners to either break even with better service or save money with better service over the 5-year Special Assessment.